Thank you so much for your kind words! Add color with crayons. For this work used 2 blue pencil - one with a touch of ultramarine, the other - the color of the sky. Shadow around zendala made light blue. A color intensity sought by pressing the pencil.
Like the blue hue with this. Nice array of tangles and like the spoke on the diagonal with the stripes. Nice effect. Are the Olympics as big an attraction there as they are here in the US?
Very beautiful, I love the deep blue!
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you very much for your wonderful review! I'm glad that work like!
УдалитьThank you so much for your kind words!
ОтветитьУдалитьAdd color with crayons. For this work used 2 blue pencil - one with a touch of ultramarine, the other - the color of the sky. Shadow around zendala made light blue. A color intensity sought by pressing the pencil.
very very nice. realy LOVE the color!
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you very much! Very pleased that like drawing!
УдалитьNot at all! ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьLike the blue hue with this. Nice array of tangles and like the spoke on the diagonal with the stripes. Nice effect. Are the Olympics as big an attraction there as they are here in the US?
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you for your detailed commentary work and kind words!
УдалитьYes, the majority of Russians watching the events at the Olympics. It quite widely publicized.